One of my New Year's Resolutions was to do more of what fulfills me. I wanted to make it a priority to do the things that give me a sense of purpose. As a student, it's easy to fall victim to the doom and gloom of school's repetitive pattern: wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed, and repeat. One of the things that I love is writing, and it's something I've been able to do far less of lately. Writing novels is inconceivable at the moment, but blogging isn't quite as monumental a task.
I've already started a journal with blogging goals for the year, and I have spent some time brainstorming new post ideas. What sparked my desire to brainstorm and, more important, write, occurred over spring break. I'd only read one novel in 2016 that wasn't required school reading, and it had been less than stellar. During winter break, though, I had the urge to curl up with a good novel. As I've mentioned, endometriosis causes me to have pretty nasty brain fog. So, even when life isn't too hectic to take a moment for literacy, reading just isn't feasible. When I had the desire to read, though, I sprung on the chance. I downloaded Salt to the Sea to my Kindle and flew through it in a few days of casual reading in between Christmas festivities. I absolutely adored the book, and a few days later, I received a ParnassusNext subscription for my birthday. December's novel was What Light, and I tore into it immediately. This book was a little less dazzling; it wasn't the worst novel I've read, or even close, but it wasn't anything special. Even so, the fact I'd read two books in such a short amount of time was an accomplishment! I wanted to read more. I wanted to write more. I was reminded why I loved creating so much by reading the works of others.
My two passions, reading and writing, became a tangled mess and emerged as the idea to incorporate both activities into the New Year. I read an excellent book and ordinary book back-to-back, and it made me think of how the only other book I've reviewed on this blog was my favorite book, and it was hardly a review. It made me think, though, what's the good in only reviewing books we liked? It's just as valuable to report on the poorly written ones. Plus, learning to hone in my writing skills to review novels in an interesting and informative way is a skill I wouldn't mind refining.
So, this year I'll be writing a review on every book I read: the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'll be talking about why I love what I love and despise what I despise. After all, the reasons I shun a book might be just the reasons someone else adores it! I'll probably be sneaking in a few reviews of books I read before the New Year, like Salt to the Sea, but my first review will be on What Light by Jay Asher, as it's the first book I finished this year. So, if you're looking for a good book in 2017, swing by my blog. I'll be reading and reviewing a variety of genres and authors, so there will hopefully be a book for everyone!